Training Modules and Webinars

The VAdata Training Modules are designed to introduce new staff and volunteers to VAdata. Each module is in a downloadable Power Point file. We have included roughly 20 slides per module. While the Training Modules will not take the place of hands-on instruction, they provide a great overview of the system and its forms. We encourage all users to contact us any time they have a question. It is usually easier to answer questions via phone rather than email, as we may need more information to assist users, and sometimes our responses lead to more questions. Feel free to call the Action Alliance at 804.377.0335.

Module 1 - Overview of VAdata
Module 2 - Hotline Form
Module 3 - Advocacy Form
Module 4 - Community Engagement Form
Module 5 - Documenting Our Work
Module 6 - VSTOP & Victim Fund
Module 7 - Tools
Module 8 - Reports
Module 9 - Housing Stabilization
Module 10 - VDSS Outcome Report
Module 11a - CSV Export
Module 11b - CSV Import
Module 12 - 2019 Password Protocol Changes
Module 13 - Prevention Form
Module 14 - Documenting Our Work Online
Module 15 - HMIS Info

* VSGP Services Cheat Sheet - this document will help you match VAdata fields to the fields in the PMT for VSGP reporting.


VAdata New Users (recorded on 4/25/2024)

Documenting Our Work (DOW) Electronic form

Introductory HMIS data elements

HMIS reporting

CSV Export Tool

CSV Import Tool

VAdata Prevention Form and Reports